Rent Eviction Prevention

Due to a significant increase in the number of requests, NKF AZ's Rent & Utility assistance program funding has been fully exhausted.

We are actively seeking out additional funding for this program.

When the program resumes, it will be announced in the monthly email and on the News/Updates panel of this site. 

The purpose of this program is to prevent rent evictions for patients contending with temporary financial hardships. It is our policy not to assist patients with payments they cannot maintain on their own.

This program is for households that have received a "5-day" notice or eviction notice and are currently facing a potential eviction. 

  • "5-day" notices are only valid if they include the amount the tenant owes and a statement telling the tenant they have five calendar days to pay the amount owed.
  • Eviction notices are only valid if delivered to the tenant in person either via hand delivery, posted to a secure and visibile position near the entrance of the rented property, or sent to the tenant via certified mail. 

Assistance is limited to once within a 12-month period for either rent (including the rent eviction prevention assistance) OR utilities.

NKF AZ will pay up to two months of rent, either both months in arrears, or one month in arrears and one month forward for a maximum of $3,200.

NKF AZ cannot assist with late fees, court fees, or penalties. Property managers usually require the full payment, including all fees, to prevent eviction so be sure the patient has the funds available to pay these fees if NKF AZ is able to assist.

NKF AZ does not assist with mortgage payments or rent deposits. 


  • Current rent or account statement showing the charges and payments for the past 3-4 months
  • A copy of the patient's current lease agreement. Hand-written, verbal, and email agreements are not accepted. Sub-let agreements are only accepted if they are a formal lease.
  • List of other agencies contacted and their decisions
  • To start a new Rent Eviction Prevention application use

  • To access a saved or previously submitted application use
  • A Rent Consent Form giving NKF AZ permission to contact the property owner must be signed by the patient. When the patient’s name is not on the bill, the Consent must be signed by the responsible party. If the patient is not on the lease, additional verification that the patient is living at the address will be required. This may include a copy of their Arizona state ID that lists the address, a bill in the patient's name that has been sent to that address (no "junk" mail), or some other formal document mailed to the patient at that address.

  • Financial Statement (if not already completed within the last six months for other assistance requests)


  • N/A